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Bug Out Bag Checklist: Why You Need One and Why We’re Giving Ours Away

Bug Out Bag Contents

Everything you need to know about what bug out bag contents to include.

Why are we writing a bug out bag guide or what all needs to be included on your bug out bag checklist? Well, if you’re like us, it doesn’t take long to feel anxious or uneasy about where the world is headed when glancing at today’s headlines.

Seemingly, not a day goes by that news doesn’t flash across our televisions or computer screens reporting of the latest catastrophic natural disaster, terrorist attack or threat, or even the imminent collapse of some major geopolitical or economic system. 

Sounds all too familiar doesn’t it…

It’s because of these increasingly unpredictable, or black swan events that there’s a growing movement amongst individuals like you to be sufficiently prepared, come what may. This is why we are giving away our bug out bag list to you. For free.

A bug out bag checklist helps prepare you for the unpredictable

If the thought of building your own bug out bag is a little overwhelming, don’t fret! You don’t have to be a hardcore “prepper” to effectively prepare for events yet to be determined. Just sign up to the right and follow our comprehensive bug out bag list and take it one step at a time. We’ll be here to walk you through it.

One of the simplest, most crucial steps in preemptive disaster preparedness is to have a well-thought-out and organized bug out bag list to aid in building your own bug out bag.  This will ensure your departure from an area of disorder or complete chaos is a safe one.

Why? Because sadly the decay of society means that long gone are the days where you can rely on others to help you in your time of need. You must take the time and resources to be able to fend for yourself and your loved ones when the time comes.

Even civil servants such as police and emergency responders shouldn’t be relied on….

And no, I don’t really have anything against them! We’ve seen time and time again, immediately following an event such as the ones we’re discussing, the system is easily overwhelmed and everyone is often left to fend for themselves.

This is where the importance of having a thorough bug out bag list and accompanying bug out bag comes into play. Sure it’s going to take some time and money to put together, but it’s pretty easy and definitely worth it. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, it’s a rather small investment of time and money to know that you’ll be adequately prepared if and when the time comes.

We want you to be prepared

More importantly, so will those that are depending on you!

That’s why we’ve taken the time to compile this guide along with a complete bug out bag checklist of recommended items for you to gather and put into immediate action. Don’t be caught off guard like the millions of others around you will be in a time of emergency.

Follow this guide and take the necessary steps to make sure you’re prepared in case the fecal matter decides to hit a proverbially large fan in a city near you.

But before we get started, I feel it’s important for us to tell you – we are not experienced survivalists. In fact, chances are that we’re a lot like you. Just ordinary guys who are very aware of what is going on around us.


As a result, we’ve learned a lot and like to teach others what we know.

And we can tell you, that we’ve encountered many claiming to be said experts, but clearly weren’t. And we’ve also found many who were indeed experts, but their extensive knowledge and presentation left us wanting something a little less…exhaustive.

It’s our hope you’ll find this guide quick and easy to understand. No fluff. Just practical and actionable steps for emergency preparedness from a couple of regular guys’ point of view.

If you’ve already been doing preparedness for years, chances are you already know most of this stuff and have your own bug out bag list. If so, we’d love to hear what you have to say about ours, and what you would do to improve upon it.

But if you’re like us, average guys looking to learn the bug out bag basics, it’ll be right up your alley.

If the thought of building your own bug out bag is a little overwhelming, don’t fret! You don’t have to be a hardcore “prepper” to effectively prepare for events yet to be determined. Just sign up below and follow our FREE, comprehensive bug out bag checklist and take it one step at a time. We’ll be here to walk you through it.

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