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Survival Kit Review: The BOSS Fire Kit

Survival fire kits are a core component of any bug out bag, but as with many aspects of a bug out bag list, many also wonder what to include on their fire kit list as well. Well, wonder no more. Stanford Outdoor Supply has just come up with the perfect grouping of 5 star ready-made survival kit supplements including the BOSS Fire Kit (“B.O.S.S.” = Bug Out Survival Supplement). As the packaging states, “BOSS Kits are standalone, function specific supplemental modules made... Keep reading

Top 10 Best Survival Gear in 2018 for Your Bug Out Bag

I hope Survival Santa is going to visit your house this year, but just in case he gets lost, here are a few of our favorite gift ideas to treat yourself or someone you know (hint: we’ve saved the best for last)! And the great thing is, regardless of your budget, there’s something here for every bug out bag! Read on to see our “Top 10 Best Survival Gear in 2018…”   1) Condor 3 Day Assault Pack The Condor... Keep reading

DIY Bug Out Bag Firestarter

DIY Fire Kit for Your Bug Out Bag

Fire is a critical survival need that we must address with our bug out bags. The importance of having the means to make fire cannot be overemphasized. You can either buy a pre-made survival fire kit like this one or you can make your own DIY Fire kit. Making your own is what we’ll be discussing today.   Practical Uses for Fire It will keep you warm, dry you out, and disinfect your water. On top of that, there is... Keep reading

Firestarter Review: Exotac nanoSPARK

Having a reliable way to make fire can be absolutely critical to survival. Fire warms our bodies and dries our clothing. It also disinfects water through boiling or distillation. At night, it can light our way, keep critters away, as well as provide a morale boost. Most experts suggest carrying multiple means of fire making, such as disposable lighters, strike anywhere matches, and ferrocerium (ferro) rods. I’d add the Exotac nanoSPARK to the list, and here’s why…   A “Next... Keep reading

Bugging In: What to Do When Bugging Out Is NOT An Option

Bugging In VS. Bugging Out While our general focus here is on bugging out, true emergency preparedness requires you to be prepared for all eventualities—including the less exciting thought of bugging in.  In fact, bugging out should be your last option in most situations, not your primary plan.  Think about it like this—home is where the bulk of your supplies and gear are located, right?     On top of that, there really aren’t that many potential scenarios where bugging... Keep reading

bug out bag mistakes

5 Dangerous Bug Out Bag Mistakes [Are You Making These?]

If you’re new to this site, a bug out bag (BOB for short) is one of the most important tools in the survivalist toolbox. In its simplest form, it is an assortment of survival gear and supplies that will allow the user to mitigate whatever life tosses their way. Each BOB is different and unique and the contents are dependent upon the user’s skill sets, experience, and area of operation. While every BOB is different, there are a few bug out bag mistakes that... Keep reading


13 Wilderness Survival Kit List Items [You Need to Pack These]

Did you know the average person can survive up to 3 weeks without food… but only 3 days without water and 3 hours outside of their core body temperature? Knowing this, what to include on your survival kit list and carry in your kit can literally mean the difference between life and death in just a few critical minutes or hours. The good news is, you can greatly increase your chance of survival…if you have the right supplies with you (and know... Keep reading


Bugging Out Basics: Choosing the Right Bag For You

A Bug Out Bag (also known as a bug out backpack), is meant to hold all of the items you need to survive in a situation where “bugging out,” or leaving your home for an undetermined period of time is the only option. While we all have the tendency to hoard survival items that load our BOB down, this is not the point. A Bug Out Bag that’s too heavy is a liability and could impede your ability to survive. It... Keep reading

Everyday Carry EDC Bag

The Ultimate Everyday Carry Solution

Everything about Everyday Carry (EDC Bags) We’ve got a special treat for you today. Aaron Tweedie from Man-PACK (as seen on ABC’s Shark Tank) agreed to sit down with us to discuss the concept of “Everyday Carry” and why an EDC bag is a critical addition to your daily repertoire. (We had a good time chatting with Aaron, so if you’re pressed for time, go ahead and skip down to the heading “What is an EDC?“) Also, before we get... Keep reading


Emergency Preparedness and Bug Out Bags: 17 FAQs from Atlas Obscura

Recently we were approached by the lovely Lauren Young, a writer at popular online travel blog, Atlas Obscura. She wanted to know if we’d be willing to “talk shop” and do an interview for her readers on the importance of bug out bags and emergency preparedness for the common person… Of course we said yes. And while our answers to her probing questions far exceeded the space, and time permitted for her article (you can read her condensed writeup here), we... Keep reading