Tag Archive: bug out bag list

Bug Out Bag Essentials Checklist

75 Bug Out Bag List Essentials [2024 Update]

A Bug Out Bag List is Not One Size Fits All Quite simply, we at Bug Out Bag Academy believe an excellent bug out bag starts with a great Bug Out Bag List. It doesn’t necessarily mean everything you put on the list will end up going into your bag… But at least you’ve got a pretty good idea of where to start. The last thing we want is for people like you to not start because you don’t know... Keep reading


Survival Kit Review: The BOSS Fire Kit

Survival fire kits are a core component of any bug out bag, but as with many aspects of a bug out bag list, many also wonder what to include on their fire kit list as well. Well, wonder no more. Stanford Outdoor Supply has just come up with the perfect grouping of 5 star ready-made survival kit supplements including the BOSS Fire Kit (“B.O.S.S.” = Bug Out Survival Supplement). As the packaging states, “BOSS Kits are standalone, function specific supplemental modules made... Keep reading